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Monday, December 12, 2011

"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part 1" Is the Best Adaptation So Far

Where's Bill Condon? Take a bow. I read all the "Twilight" books before the films were released and "Breaking Dawn" was my least favorite from the bunch. Maybe it was because I expected something more and was let down, but after seeing the latest adaptation I would like to shake director Bill Condon's hand. I figured "Breaking Dawn" would be the worst out of the films because the book was long and drawn out. I was pleasantly surprised to see the key moments from the book come to life on the screen. All the boring moments were taken away and new ones were added perfectly.

The film begins with Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward's (Robert Pattinson) wedding and then the tasteful honeymoon. The emotion that was missing from the previous films were present. Bella no longer grabs her hair and huffs into a corner. She is a young woman with a personality we were waiting to see. Once Bella learns she's pregnant, the film takes a horrifying approach. For one who has not read the novels will actually find themselves wondering what will happen next. Jacob (Taylor Lautner) is still in love with Bella, but the back and forth triangle is over. Jacob adds comic relief and has grown into his own role as a werewolf. The film has a perfect cliffhanger to keep us all wondering if "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part 2" will live up to its expections. We will have to wait until November 16, 2012.

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