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Monday, June 29, 2009

Autobots, Decepticons and Constructicons OH MY!

So the question is- How good was Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen? The first film was amazing and had everyone talking about the realistic special effects, but did the sequel even come close. Well, I have to admit I didn't have the same giddy feeling that my boyfriend had when we left the theatre, but after intense research and a cartoon viewing the sequel is in par with the first film. I'm going to break down the film into three categories- the good, the bad and the downright ugly.

The Good

Michael Bay is known for his intense special effects and camera angles that we don't see in other films. Some may judge him and say that he can't make a good movie, but I believe that his work is very artistic. Who else can make a car or jet turn into a robot that actually looks real? Steven Spielberg maybe? That's probably why he was a producer.

The Autobots really kicked some major butt in this movie. Bumblebee, Optiums Prime, Ironhide and Sideswipe all have really good fight scenes that will make fans very happy. Skid and Mudflap also known as "The Twins" are extremely funny-especially as the ice cream truck at the beginning. I was sad to see it transform into another car.

If you like the Decepticons and Constructicons then this is the movie for you. I enjoyed seeing more of the bad guys and also the Decepticons that didn't want to be part of the ongoing war-Wheelie and Jetfire. But if you like Megatron and whiny Starscream then you will be happy to know that they are portrayed the same way on screen as they are in the cartoon-especially Starscream---whiny baby.

The cast. Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese and John Turturro all gave good performances. They also enhanced the comedic atmosphere along with the robots.

The Bad

The first film did an excellent job with the introduction of the Autobots and Decepticons, but in this film there were robots everywhere with no real introductions. For fans, it was probably easy to pick out who is who, but for someone who didn't watch the cartoon may have a hard time. Basically the new Autobots are: Arcee, Jetfire, Sideswipe, Skid, Mudflap and Jolt. The new Decepticons are: The Fallen, Sideways, Soundwave, Ravage, The Doctor, Demolisher and Devastor (which is made up of a bunch of Constructicons).

Now most Transformers fans are 25 and older so the crude humor and profanity probably didn't bother anyone. Well, if you plan to take your child to this film be prepared because it is not like the cartoon.

The Ugly

WTF Michael Bay what were you thinking when you threw in the human, species-terminator like transformer woman. The whole scene didn't work for me and didn't fit into the theme of the movie.

So overall the film is your typical summer movie-loud, big machines, robots, hot men and women and people blowing up things or each other! Good Fun!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New "New Moon" Cover for the Movie Edition

Entertainment Weekly recently posted the new New Moon cover that will be part of the movie edition. If they decide to put up another poster for the film, this one would be perfect. Check out the article on

New Pictures from Burton's "Alice in Wonderland"

Only Johnny Depp can still look sexy as The Mad Hatter. This will be Depp's seventh film with director Tim Burton. The film is due out March 5, 2010. Check out these amazing new pictures from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland on USA Today.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

"The Hangover" Proves to be the Breakout Comedy of the Summer

So is The Hangover really as funny as everyone says? Yes it is. It's about time the producers in Hollywood actually sat down and thought of something original. Here is a list of the reasons why you should see The Hangover and why it's so original.

1) A cast of guys that normally don't have lead roles in movies. For example, this is the first time I've seen Bradley Cooper in a lead role. I've seen him in other movies such as Yes Man and Wedding Crashers, but he really made a name for himself in this film.

2) We don't see what actually happens to these guys during the night. We get to relive the mystery of what happened to them over a period of two days. It enhances the comedic effect and surprises the audience more.

3) The pictures at the end credits.

4) The baby that looks like Carlos, but is named Tyler. The sunglasses fit the part.

5) The tiger in the bathroom. I had no idea it would belong to Mike Tyson.

I don't want to ruin the rest. Go see it!

Linkin Park's "New Divide" Music Video From Transformers 2

Since we only have two days until Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, I figured I'd put up some theme music. It's a cool video, check it out.

What! A "Dorian Gray" Movie!

Here is the first poster for Dorian Gray coming out this fall. I'm looking forward to this one because I absolutely loved the book by Oscar Wilde. Ben Barnes will play Dorian, who played Prince Caspian in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. It will be interesting to see how the painting ages, as Dorian stays young out of his selfish quest to live forever. Let me know what you think about this one!

Monday, June 15, 2009

There WILL Be A Pirates of the Caribbean 4

This is the best news of the year! Jerry Bruckheimer told that Disney is making "Pirates 4" a top priority. He stated:

"It's a great franchise for them and for us, too," he said. "A beloved character and Johnny's really excited about coming back to Captain Jack. He certainly is interested in Tonto, but Disney's priority is to get 'Pirates' made first. You never know what's going to happen, but they would like it." Bruckheimer shared that the original writers, Terry Rossio and Ted Elliot, were "writing 'Pirates' as we speak," and he said it was "funny" and a "whole new way of going" although he wouldn't share more than that."

Let me know what you think. Are you ready for more of Captain Jack? I am!

First Pic of Mickey Rourke As Whiplash

I loved Iron Man and I'm looking forward to the sequel next summer. Here's just a taste of what we can expect from Mr. Rourke. What do you think of Mickey Rourke as Whiplash? Check out more information at USA Today.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Two Thumbs "Up"

Disney/Pixar has done it again. They have successfully created another original film that is perfect for kids and adults. Up is about an elderly man, Carl Fredricksen, who finally decides to take the trip of a lifetime after losing his wife, Ellie. Instead of traveling by plane or boat, he uses tons of balloons to make his house fly. His planned adventure is to the hidden land of Paradise Falls in South America, but his "planned" adventure takes a different turn when he is joined with a young boy, Russell.

With every Disney/Pixar film, there is a lesson to be learned. The theme in Up is it doesn't matter how old you are because you can still accomplish your dreams. Also the adventure of a lifetime doesn't have to be traveling around the world. It can be spending time with your loved ones who are with you everyday.

Go see this film in Disney 3D!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Three New Movie Stills From "The Twilight Saga: New Moon"

Yay! More pics from The Twilight Saga: New Moon. I might join Team Jacob. Check out the rest of the pics at Celebrity Mania.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The 2009 MTV Movie Awards Unleash the First Trailer for "The Twilight Saga: New Moon"


Finally, we have a trailer. I have to say I'm quite impressed. The effects look good and the scenes look more alive. I can't wait!