My answer is yes. This film deserves every award it won. Danny Boyle's directing is phenomenal. The film begins in an unconventional way with flashbacks of Jamal (Dev Patel) being questioned for cheating on India's version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" and how each question he answers reflects a moment in his life. Through vivid flashbacks and beautiful cinematography we see the life of a slumdog in India. It is not until late in the film does the classic Hollywood ending happen that is usually not portrayed in foreign films. It was all for love. Money didn't matter. Integrity matters. Saving the girl and living happily ever after whether rich or poor. Faith and destiny will take flight. Take time to see this film because it will change your prospective on everyday knowledge and how we answer questions.
Good to know. I've been really wanting to see it, and I always love a good love story!