Wednesday, December 15, 2010
"Rango" Trailer
How creative! I like the big rattlesnake. Anyway, looks like Johnny Depp finally gets to play the character everyone always calls him...a chameleon.
"Fast Five" Trailer
I'm over these films. After the first one they all went downhill for me. What do you think?
Monday, December 13, 2010
"The Tourist" Worth The Trip

Shot in Venice. the setting is absolutely breathtaking. I felt like it was the perfect backdrop for a romantic mystery action thriller. Angelina Jolie is beautiful. She is "classical movie" beautiful and fits the stereotype of the mysterious woman who may be good or bad. At first, I had a hard time watching Johnny Depp because Jolie's beauty takes over the screen, but Depp shines as aways. I was looking forward to seeing him play a "normal" person and he played it WELL.
Most of the reviews criticized the story by saying it lacked a "wow" moment. They also criticized the actors by saying they didn't have any chemistry.
Let me start with the story. It's about an American tourist who travels to Venice and meets a woman on a train. The plot thickens when we realize Depp's character is part of a plan, which is mistaken identity. For me, the "wow" moment was when the credits were rolling and I realized what REALLY happened in the last scene of the movie. It's one of those films that has you remembering the whole course of events while you're leaving the theatre.
As for Depp and Jolie, I didn't think they lacked chemistry. They wanted each other, but there was one big situation hanging over their heads. Once again, see the movie and you will understand.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Teaser for "Transformers: Dark of the Moon"
Michael Bay you are one big tease! I can't wait to see the full trailer!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
First Photo From "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn"
Thursday, November 18, 2010
"Cowboys and Aliens" Teaser
I'm not sure how I feel about this one yet, but it has an amazing cast, director and exective producer. What do you think?
"Red Riding Hood" Trailer
Director Catherine Hardwick who brought "Twilight" to the big screen now brings the legend of "Little Red Riding Hood" to life. The only difference is there's a big twist. I'm quite interested in this film because it looks beautiful and there's a new spin on the classic tale. What do you think?
"Cars 2" Trailer
Disney/Pixar never disappoints, but I'm not very excited about "Cars 2." It doesn't look very appealing as the first one or any of the other Pixar films. I guess we will have to wait and see. What do you think?
"Green Lantern" Trailer
This will either be a hit or a miss. Ryan Reynolds has come a long way and he's pretty good in just about anything. I hope it will be as good as it looks. What do you think?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
New Trailer for "Tron Legacy"
This film keeps looking better and better. I believe it will be amazing in 3D. Come on December 17! What do you think?
Teaser for "Kung Fu Panda 2"
I was very pleased with "Kung Fu Panda." It was a surprise hit for me. Of course, this is a teaser so we don't get to see very much, except for Jack Black reprising his role. The film is slated for May 26, 2011 in 3D. What do you think?
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" Official Logo
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Oh Hell! Just Remake "Hellrasier" Too!

Research courtesy of Brent Collins
"Spider-Man" Reboot Casting News

Research courtesy of Brent Collins
Monday, October 25, 2010
New "Mad Max" Delayed

Research courtesy of Brent Collins
No More Remakes!

Research courtesy of Brent Collins
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Teaser for "Scream 4"
I didn't think Wes Craven would do another "Scream," but I guess he is. Here's the new teaser for the film that comes out in April. What do you think?
Monday, October 18, 2010
Michael J. Fox Reshoots "Back to the Future" Teaser Trailer
Now this is awesome! Michael J. Fox reshot the original teaser for "Back to the Future" for the Scream Awards. The Scream Awards will air Tuesday at 9pm on Spike TV.
Keith Richards Back For "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides"

"Depp, who played the lead role in the 1990 movie "Edward Scissorhands," credits Richards for inspiring his character Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean films, and the two are currently shooting the series' fourth installment, where Richards reprises his role as Sparrow's father."
This should be interesting.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" Casts Renesmee

New Trailer for "The Tourist"
Here's a new trailer for "The Tourist!" There are a few new scenes added from the first trailer that aired about three weeks ago. "The Tourist" starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie comes out December 10!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Get Ready for "Ninja Turtles"

Research courtesy Brent Collins.
Rick Moranis Back for "Ghostbusters 3?"

Research courtesy Brent Collins
Scene in Savannah: "Extinction"
EXTINCTION Teaser Trailer from Alek Rost on Vimeo.
I had the privilege to see and partake in the making of an independent film in Savannah over the summer. Here's the trailer for Kevin McCarey's "Extinction." Check out my article in "The South Magazine."
Friday, October 1, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Poster from "The Thing" Prequel
First Look At "Scream 4"
New "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Trailer
I have to say this looks amazing. What do you think?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Trailer for "The Fighter"
I smell Oscar all over this film. What a cast and what a transformation for Christian Bale! What do you think?
Trailer for "The Tourist"
Come on December 10! Of course I'm excited to see this because Johnny Depp is in it. My only concern is its another spy thriller and I hope there's some originality hidden in there. What do you think?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
New "Due Date" Trailer
Here's the second trailer for Due Date. It has a few new scenes. What do you think?
New "Megamind" Trailer
This looks like a fun ride. With the voices of Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill it should definitely be entertaining. Dreamworks is producing some good product lately. What do you think?
"Saw 3D" Trailer
The only Saw I liked was the first one, but this one actually looks cool. I'm very happy that this is the final Saw. What do you think?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
New "Buried" Poster
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
"Step Up 3D" Stepped Down

I didn't think this film needed to be in 3D. The effects were cheesy and the only 3D effects were hands popping out of the screen. The acting was awful, but I believe the true acting and skill comes from the dancing itself.
The dancing is amazing. The talent that these young actors have will leave you speechless. The film made me want to take up dancing. It not only shows us crazy dance moves, but it allows us to understand the art of dance and how it inspires people.
Overall, I would wait for DVD unless you want to see the dancing on the big screen.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Trailer for "My Soul to Take"
Finally, Wes Craven has a new film coming out. It has a "Freddy" feel to it, but I see potential originality. What do you think?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Top Five Reasons to See "The Other Guys"

5) Samuel L. Jackson and The Rock. I'm not calling him Dwayne Johnson, he will always be The Rock. They really make the first 20 minutes of the film.
4) Michael Keaton's TLC references throughout the film.
3) Eva Mendes. She doesn't have a big part, but she does an excellent job playing the sexy wife to Ferrell's character Allen. The look on Terry (Mark Wahlberg's) face is priceless.
2) Mark Wahlberg is funny. He plays his stereotypical cop role, but he shows off a comedic side as well.
1) The quotes. The one liners in this film are really hilarious when you think about them later. Unfortunately, I can't tell you them so go check out the film!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
"Buried" Trailer
I agree with the reviewer, this looks like a Hitchcock film. We need more original horror/suspense movies for this generation.
Pic of The Queen Anne's Revenge from "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides"
Sunday, August 1, 2010
"Inception" Perception

An Inception analysis written by Avery Whisenant
There are few ways to give an honest review about a movie which takes so many risks and is so involved as Inception without divulging secrets or spoilers which may soften the experience for the viewer which may be inspired by the review. There are pros and cons to it, as with nearly every movie, and almost every pro or con will be at the discretion of the author's opinion. That said, I would like to apologize preemptively for any subjective praises or dissidents about the film at hand, and state at the beginning: if you have any intention of seeing this movie for the first time, and to experience it unadulterated, stop reading now.
If you're looking to bounce some ideas off, or just gain an alternative perspective, please continue.
I'm not going to give notes on actors or performances in this review, as it is completely unnecessary. They are believable, and - given the script - that alone is more than I expected. I don't care about names, billing, etc etc. It simply doesn't matter for this film - just that they are believable. And they are. Now....
The story is a classic sci-fi setup. Set in a no-where land in no-time in particular with no real specifics given, Inception has no real direction with no real conclusion - just realization. The shell is this: somehow, science has allowed humans to tap into dreams of others, and share the experience parallel and in abstract, so that they can be involved in the dreamer's action at the moment, or go behind the scenes and set a chain reaction in place that causes the action the dreamer needs to undertake. Used as a technology for profit, its primary abuse is to extract precious information from targets for clients: passwords, memories - anything that the client wants. It's a world where anything goes…almost. Eventually the line between reality and dreamstates starts to blur, and even the dreamers are unable to discern between the two after a bit (or forever). Sounds like the plot-line for so many other movies that I won't bother listing them all, right?
This is only the catalyst. And it comes around full-circle.
That said, it is absolutely brilliant.
I hate movies that start you in the middle of the fray, without giving you a character introduction beyond how they quip at a moment's impulse or confrontation (Broken Arrow, Face Off, Con Air, Mission Impossible trilogy, etc) where it's "Stage situation"+"Impossibly-masculine melodramatic narcissists"+"Timeframe"+"Big Explosions"= "Box Office Smash"(it also = 'LAZY' and also = Michael Bay…yeah, I went there). I consider it lazy writing when the author doesn't feel it worth his time to give a character any interesting depth other than 'What will he say next?', always one-upping their contradiction with macho ego talk. I appreciate a story. I enjoy a journey. I don't like being jilted in my absorption of - what should be - art.
Inception violently assaults you.
It throws you in the middle of it.
It is chaotic.
It is significant.
The symbolism in this is perfectly defined (it's even directly stated by the movie's star, Leonardo DiCaprio): "In a dream, you're just thrown into the middle of it." You never start a dream dreaming of falling asleep, dreaming of going into the dream - and if you do, what were you doing before hand? It's a subconscious journey.
Enter Freud.
The main client they are working for seeks a dissolution from one of his competitors. This client never has any affiliation, as I can recall, to any one corporation or government…and though I have my own suspicions, I will not divulge them here. Suffice it to say - conspiracy theorists could have a field day with this (go global. Don't stick in the USA. It goes beyond that. *word to the wise*). The target is young, and inherited the company from his father. Cue the fluff padding for the adventure of it. "Plant the idea so that he thinks he thought of it." "You can get lost in here forever." "He's had training in anti-dream penetration." "We only have ten hours to get in and out." Ok, sure fine, whatever, let's get back to the good stuff. Psychologically, it's a classic complex for the target - the dominance of the father creates a need for approval from the son. Common, right? Most have heard of this.
Common setup. Common scenario. Common timeframe. Where does it get good?
Subconscious delivery.
Shot with almost-entirely hand-held and Steadi-cam, this movie moves around more than I can recall any other. It's disorienting. It leaves you looking for a center to put your feet on. The characters are almost always chasing or being chased in the movie…ever been able to run fast enough in your dreams? Ever had a proper sense of footing or orientation when being chased by some unknown predator in your dream? Gravity with weightlessness? See why they did it? Even when it can become nauseating, stick with it. They are still working to consciously immerse you in this dream. There are still shots in the film, but they are always centered around the invader's dream-slash-reality (Leonardo DiCaprio is the invader, by the way). Spinning, swirling, steady…sounds like a top? Hmmm…like the one he holds as a memento from his late wife?
But wait. There was an invasion into a target's mind, right? OK. Invasion into the target's dream?
Cold. Icy. Totally devoid of any feminine characteristics. Guns. Grenades. No ovarian symbolism AT ALL. Angular. Perfect. All while a van is plummeting in slow-motion towards the river (total masculinity resolved in absolute femininity? WOW!)
This fall, by the way, in slow motion? It takes about an hour. It is the longest fall known to the history of man. It is the steady in the storm. Once the steady comes, and they are submersed back into the loving subconsciousness and cleansing water of mother, the invader is lost, reviving inexplicably on an ocean shore - merging back into masculinity again, right? And it concludes perfectly, swirling, staying, finally letting all the pieces we were just introduced to fly around in your mind, and then the center, and then peace and balance, while all part of the same chaotic top - the embodiment of perfection, as I can imagine it.
So what about the guy? Who cares. What about the special effects? There, but unobtrusive. What about the action? Yes, but it's unimportant. Necessary, yes, but not the focus. The focus is the subconscious. Literally. The company, the target, the objective - the plot itself - are all catalysts for one constant. This constant will not apply to everyone, as it involves a broad, but not universal, set of assumptions about the audience. Most who go see movies will have this frame of reference, but some will not. While those some may still be dazzled by the special effects and the science fiction of it all, the true meat of this movie is the audience. The plot? Not the focus. The plot is a catalyst, pure and simple. It's not about who did what, or what happened afterwards, but it is purely about the abstract, the subconscious, and is the absolutely brilliant movie in that it uses the plot as a symbolic mechanism, as opposed to the focus - much like The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus: the focus was not the kids' love life, or the assistant, or the fact that there was a giant portable stage barreling through a modern city; the focus was the relationship between the Devil, and God, and how it played out via the plot. The movie was totally in the mind. Inception is completely different, but fulfilling in the same way. Dreams - the parallels, the questions, the cyclic, tumultuous nature. The moments of intelligence, and the thankfulness for them. The moments of, "Why?" The hope of the escape from the predator, and the realization that you're doomed to run forever.
Then, the realization that it was all a dream.
And that, my friends, is about as concise a review I can give on Inception.
There are few ways to give an honest review about a movie which takes so many risks and is so involved as Inception without divulging secrets or spoilers which may soften the experience for the viewer which may be inspired by the review. There are pros and cons to it, as with nearly every movie, and almost every pro or con will be at the discretion of the author's opinion. That said, I would like to apologize preemptively for any subjective praises or dissidents about the film at hand, and state at the beginning: if you have any intention of seeing this movie for the first time, and to experience it unadulterated, stop reading now.
If you're looking to bounce some ideas off, or just gain an alternative perspective, please continue.
I'm not going to give notes on actors or performances in this review, as it is completely unnecessary. They are believable, and - given the script - that alone is more than I expected. I don't care about names, billing, etc etc. It simply doesn't matter for this film - just that they are believable. And they are. Now....
The story is a classic sci-fi setup. Set in a no-where land in no-time in particular with no real specifics given, Inception has no real direction with no real conclusion - just realization. The shell is this: somehow, science has allowed humans to tap into dreams of others, and share the experience parallel and in abstract, so that they can be involved in the dreamer's action at the moment, or go behind the scenes and set a chain reaction in place that causes the action the dreamer needs to undertake. Used as a technology for profit, its primary abuse is to extract precious information from targets for clients: passwords, memories - anything that the client wants. It's a world where anything goes…almost. Eventually the line between reality and dreamstates starts to blur, and even the dreamers are unable to discern between the two after a bit (or forever). Sounds like the plot-line for so many other movies that I won't bother listing them all, right?
This is only the catalyst. And it comes around full-circle.
That said, it is absolutely brilliant.
I hate movies that start you in the middle of the fray, without giving you a character introduction beyond how they quip at a moment's impulse or confrontation (Broken Arrow, Face Off, Con Air, Mission Impossible trilogy, etc) where it's "Stage situation"+"Impossibly-masculine melodramatic narcissists"+"Timeframe"+"Big Explosions"= "Box Office Smash"(it also = 'LAZY' and also = Michael Bay…yeah, I went there). I consider it lazy writing when the author doesn't feel it worth his time to give a character any interesting depth other than 'What will he say next?', always one-upping their contradiction with macho ego talk. I appreciate a story. I enjoy a journey. I don't like being jilted in my absorption of - what should be - art.
Inception violently assaults you.
It throws you in the middle of it.
It is chaotic.
It is significant.
The symbolism in this is perfectly defined (it's even directly stated by the movie's star, Leonardo DiCaprio): "In a dream, you're just thrown into the middle of it." You never start a dream dreaming of falling asleep, dreaming of going into the dream - and if you do, what were you doing before hand? It's a subconscious journey.
Enter Freud.
The main client they are working for seeks a dissolution from one of his competitors. This client never has any affiliation, as I can recall, to any one corporation or government…and though I have my own suspicions, I will not divulge them here. Suffice it to say - conspiracy theorists could have a field day with this (go global. Don't stick in the USA. It goes beyond that. *word to the wise*). The target is young, and inherited the company from his father. Cue the fluff padding for the adventure of it. "Plant the idea so that he thinks he thought of it." "You can get lost in here forever." "He's had training in anti-dream penetration." "We only have ten hours to get in and out." Ok, sure fine, whatever, let's get back to the good stuff. Psychologically, it's a classic complex for the target - the dominance of the father creates a need for approval from the son. Common, right? Most have heard of this.
Common setup. Common scenario. Common timeframe. Where does it get good?
Subconscious delivery.
Shot with almost-entirely hand-held and Steadi-cam, this movie moves around more than I can recall any other. It's disorienting. It leaves you looking for a center to put your feet on. The characters are almost always chasing or being chased in the movie…ever been able to run fast enough in your dreams? Ever had a proper sense of footing or orientation when being chased by some unknown predator in your dream? Gravity with weightlessness? See why they did it? Even when it can become nauseating, stick with it. They are still working to consciously immerse you in this dream. There are still shots in the film, but they are always centered around the invader's dream-slash-reality (Leonardo DiCaprio is the invader, by the way). Spinning, swirling, steady…sounds like a top? Hmmm…like the one he holds as a memento from his late wife?
But wait. There was an invasion into a target's mind, right? OK. Invasion into the target's dream?
Cold. Icy. Totally devoid of any feminine characteristics. Guns. Grenades. No ovarian symbolism AT ALL. Angular. Perfect. All while a van is plummeting in slow-motion towards the river (total masculinity resolved in absolute femininity? WOW!)
This fall, by the way, in slow motion? It takes about an hour. It is the longest fall known to the history of man. It is the steady in the storm. Once the steady comes, and they are submersed back into the loving subconsciousness and cleansing water of mother, the invader is lost, reviving inexplicably on an ocean shore - merging back into masculinity again, right? And it concludes perfectly, swirling, staying, finally letting all the pieces we were just introduced to fly around in your mind, and then the center, and then peace and balance, while all part of the same chaotic top - the embodiment of perfection, as I can imagine it.
So what about the guy? Who cares. What about the special effects? There, but unobtrusive. What about the action? Yes, but it's unimportant. Necessary, yes, but not the focus. The focus is the subconscious. Literally. The company, the target, the objective - the plot itself - are all catalysts for one constant. This constant will not apply to everyone, as it involves a broad, but not universal, set of assumptions about the audience. Most who go see movies will have this frame of reference, but some will not. While those some may still be dazzled by the special effects and the science fiction of it all, the true meat of this movie is the audience. The plot? Not the focus. The plot is a catalyst, pure and simple. It's not about who did what, or what happened afterwards, but it is purely about the abstract, the subconscious, and is the absolutely brilliant movie in that it uses the plot as a symbolic mechanism, as opposed to the focus - much like The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus: the focus was not the kids' love life, or the assistant, or the fact that there was a giant portable stage barreling through a modern city; the focus was the relationship between the Devil, and God, and how it played out via the plot. The movie was totally in the mind. Inception is completely different, but fulfilling in the same way. Dreams - the parallels, the questions, the cyclic, tumultuous nature. The moments of intelligence, and the thankfulness for them. The moments of, "Why?" The hope of the escape from the predator, and the realization that you're doomed to run forever.
Then, the realization that it was all a dream.
And that, my friends, is about as concise a review I can give on Inception.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
New Trailer for "Tron Legacy"
This really looks good. I think this will be one of the best 3D movies of the year.
Captain Jack Teases Comic Con Audiences
Johnny Depp is back as the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow for the fourth installment of Pirates of the Caribbean. In this teaser, he gives the audience at Comic Con a little bit of info on the upcoming film slated for May 20, 2011.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
"Inception" Is Mind Blowing

The cast is wonderful. I was impressed with Joseph Gordon-Levitt because all I could think about was the little kid from 3rd Rock from the Sun. He's turned into a great actor. Also Ellen Page won me over. No Juno girl here as she plays such a positive role throughout the film. Leo nails the lead role as always.
The special effects are original. Each dream sequence is carefully crafted so well that it looks real. The hall scene is absolutely amazing.
The story is original, yet it does have a Matrix feel to it. Please be prepared to think throughout the film as the answers are not given to us directly. The basic scenario is Cobb (DiCaprio) has the ability to steal ideas from people when they are in the dream state its called "extraction." Well, in order to get his life back, Cobb must plant an idea which is called "inception." The film is extremely ambiguous and also quite long. Warning, you may leave the theatre overwhelmed with theories and thoughts.
Overall, its a good film and original, which is nice to see for a change.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
"Dark Shadows" to Begin Filming in January

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Trailer for "Machete"
I remember seeing the fake trailer during Grindhouse. Well, now Machete is coming to the big screen with an all star cast, featuring Robert De Niro. I don't know if I'll see it because it doesn't look as good as the fake trailer. What do you think?
Saturday, July 3, 2010
"The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" Is The Best So Far

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is by far the best in the series so far. In my opinion, its the best book in Stephenie Meyers' saga. Here are my top five reasons to go see Eclipse.
5) The action is way better. It's probably the most action we will see in any of the Twilight films. David Slade keeps the suspense going, which allows more action scenes and less "dragging out."
4) The adaptation is perfect. The screenwriter keeps the important moments from the book and brings them to life on the screen. We also get to see Alice's visions, back stories for Jasper and Rosalie and Victoria and Riley's plot for revenge.
3) Bryce Dallas Howard is the perfect Victoria. Last year when the news broke that Rachelle Lefevre would not return as Victoria, fans were upset. Well, I think Howard had the "musical" tone in her voice that is described so well in the books.
2) Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart impressed me. In the past two films, I found them cheesy, but this time around their characters were move believable and I could feel what each of them were going through.
1) The final choice Bella makes. It's not about two men, but its ultimately about life. I believe the film captures Meyer's theme about making important decisions in life and how to life with them.
Andrew Garfield is the New Spider-Man

I'm trying really hard to accept that there will be a new Spider-Man, but Tobey Maguire will always be my Spidey. Sony Pictures announced today that Andrew Garfield will be the new Peter Parker/Spider-Man. The film is schedule to open July 3, 2012. What do you think? Does he have what it takes to be Spider-Man? Here's the official press release:
After a comprehensive worldwide casting search, Andrew Garfield has been chosen to portray Peter Parker when Spider-Man swings back onto the screen in 3D on July 3, 2012. The new film will begin production in early December directed by Marc Webb from a screenplay by James Vanderbilt. Laura Ziskin and Avi Arad will produce the film from Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios.
Today's confirmation culminates what has been one of the most eagerly anticipated casting announcements in recent memory. Bloggers, pop culture speculators, and everyday fans have pored over and analyzed every conceivable online rumor in an attempt to discover the identity of the next actor to play Peter Parker. Garfield will immediately begin preparing for the coveted role.
The Spider-Man franchise is one of the most successful in film history and the three previous motion pictures have collectively grossed more than $2.5 billion in worldwide box office.
On selecting Garfield, director Marc Webb said, "Though his name may be new to many, those who know this young actor's work understand his extraordinary talents. He has a rare combination of intelligence, wit, and humanity. Mark my words, you will love Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker."
Commenting on the announcement, Amy Pascal, co-chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment, and Matt Tolmach, President of Columbia Pictures said, "Spider-Man is a classic superhero -- a young man who balances his responsibility to serve humanity and crush evil with the shyness and normalcy of someone struggling to find himself. The role demands an extraordinary actor. You need someone who can magically transform himself from Peter Parker into Spider-Man. An actor who will depict the vulnerability of youth and the strength and confidence of a legendary figure at the same moment. We have found that actor in Andrew Garfield. From the first time we saw him in the upcoming film The Social Network, to his glorious screen test, which floored all of us, we knew that we had found our new Peter Parker."
Producer Avi Arad added, "I'm incredibly excited about Andrew Garfield. In the Spider-Man tradition, we were looking for a smart, sensitive, and cool new Peter Parker who can inspire us and make us laugh, cry, and cheer. We believe we have found the perfect choice to take on this role and lead us into the future."
Producer Laura Ziskin said, "We are thrilled to have Andrew Garfield for this new incarnation of Spider-Man under Marc Webb’s direction. We were fortunate enough to meet with a group of fantastically talented young men. In the end, we all agreed that in addition to being an extraordinary actor, Andrew had the right mix of humor, youth, and pathos, along with an underlying sense of strength and power necessary to bring Peter Parker and Spider-Man to life on screen."
The selection of Garfield was revealed at a press event in Cancun, Mexico for international journalists attending a media tour promoting upcoming films from Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Garfield is fast becoming one of the most respected and sought-after young actors working in the industry today. In a short career, spanning only five years, he has already been directed by, and starred alongside, some of the greatest names and received a BAFTA for a role that won him international praise.
Garfield most recently worked with director David Fincher on the upcoming film The Social Network. He previously starred for Spike Jonze on his robot love story I'm Here, which premiered at Sundance this year. He plays the lead male opposite Keira Knightley and Carey Mulligan in Mark Romanek's Never Let Me Go, due for release later this year.
Other notable screen credits include Terry Gilliam's The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus playing opposite Christopher Plummer, Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell, Jude Law and the late Heath Ledger, Robert Redford’s Lions For Lambs, where he starred alongside Redford, Tom Cruise and Meryl Streep; Revolution Films' "Red Riding Trilogy – 1974" directed by Julian Jarrold, where he lead a stellar cast including Rebecca Hall and David Morrissey, and his unforgettable portrayal of a young ex-con in John Crowley's "Boy A," for which he earned the best actor BAFTA in 2008.
Garfield’s career began in theatre and in 2006 his performances in "Beautiful Thing" (Sound Space/Kit Productions), "The Overwhelming," and Burn / Chatroom / Citizenship" (Royal National Theatre) won him the Milton Shulman Award for Outstanding Newcomer at the Evening Standard awards and the Jack Tinker Award for Most Promising Newcomer at the Critics Circle Theatre Awards. Other notable theatre credits include "Romeo and Juliet" (Manchester Royal Exchange) and "Kes" (Manchester Royal Exchange), for which he received the Most Promising Newcomer Award at the Manchester Evening News Awards 2004.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
"Knight and Day" Not Cruise's Best

5) The exotic locations. From Austria to Spain the scenery is absolutely beautiful.
4) Cruise and Diaz have AMAZING bodies for their age.
3) The action is non-stop and fun.
2) Cruise may not be Mission Impossible good, but he still has his charming cocky moments.
1) The story is a fun carefree ride. It makes you want to drop everything and run away.
New Trailer for "Rango"
This looks fun! I'm surprised its not in 3D considering everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. This will be the first time Johnny Depp will voice an animal. I find it ironic that throughout the years Johnny Depp has been compared to a chameleon because he's constantly changing into different characters. Well, now he's the voice of a chameleon.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Trailer for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"
Wow, this really looks good. I may actually enjoy it. What do you think?
New Poster for "Rango"
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Trailer for "Little Fockers"
I didn't laugh when I saw this trailer. It's probably because its the same old crap that Hollywood keeps regurgitating to try to make more money. The film is called Little Fockers and the kids were only in the trailer twice. It seems like its just more or Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro trying to get along with each other. Why didn't they stop after Meet the Parents?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
First Pics of Blackbeard's Ship in "Pirates 4"

Research courtesy of Brent Collins.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Disney/Pixar Wins Again With "Toy Story 3"

If you're a moviegoer that has yet to experience an animated film because you believe its only for children, then you're missing out on some of the worlds greatest films.
After seeing this movie, I don't think my Barbies and My Little Ponies will ever leave the attic unless they can be with someone who will love them. Disney/Pixar continues their award winning streak with the final Toy Story. This film is an emotional rollercoaster for anyone who has ever had a toy they loved as a child.
The gang is back, but this time Andy is leaving for college. Instead of making it to the attic, the toys are accidentally donated to the evil Sunnyside Daycare. Who knew daycare could be hell for a toy? Eventually, Woody and friends realize they need to stick together and get back to Andy. Some of the new characters such as Ken, the Chatter Telephone, Lotso and the scary Doll Baby were all amazing. I don't want to give much away, but the film captures the beauty of the first two with plenty of comedy and even "oh no!" moments. It's also visually stunning in 3D. Disney/Pixar know how to create wonderful movies that will last for generations.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Plot Details for "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides"

If you don't want to know any of the plot details for the next "Pirates" then don't read below. Disney released a statement with more information on "P4." Personally, I think the film sounds amazing and I believe it will go back to its former roots before crazy special effects. To read the full press release check out Here's what they had to say:
"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" captures the fun, adventure and humor that ignited the hit franchise --this time in Disney Digital 3D(TM). In this action-packed tale of truth, betrayal, youth and demise, Captain Jack Sparrow crosses paths with a woman from his past (Penelope Cruz), and he's not sure if it's love--or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane), Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard
or the woman from his past.
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